Kostas Karpouzis

AΙ & Games enthusiast

Kostas Karpouzis is a Research Director at ICCS-NTUA and Head of Games Programming at SAE Athens. In his research, he’s looking for ways to make computer systems more aware of and responsive to the way people interact with each other, using natural, affective interaction and intelligent, user-adaptive algorithms.

Kostas is also investigating how gamification and digital games can be used in classroom and informal settings to assist conventional teaching and help teach social issues and STEAM subjects to children and adults. Two of the games he has worked on have won the Best Serious Game award from the Games and Learning Alliance: Siren  (2013) and Navigo (2018).

Besides this, he is involved in a number of science communication activities, most notably Famelab Greece, openscience.gr (Best Website award in 2018 by the Athens Science Festival), and House of Makers, a grassroots initiative which aims to promote STEM and make-ing activities. He is also an advocate for technology and CS use in schools, participating in the “Girls Go Coding” initiative to attract girls and female adults to coding.